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Drive Responsibly

The little things matter

Taking responsibility for your environmental impact while using your car is a big part of controlling your carbon footprint.


It would be easy to say that if you use your car for your daily commute then you are driving at least 10 times a week. Think about that number a bit. Ten times per week, fifty two weeks in a year. So that is 520 times in a year that your car is consuming fuel and releasing CO2. According to the EPA, a gallon of gasoline produces 19.4 pounds (or 8.8 kilograms) of CO2.

You can easily then add the number of miles you drive per day and divide the miles per gallon you are getting in your car to estimate the amount of CO2 per day your car releases.


So if you drive 5 miles to work, 10 miles round trip, and have a fuel efficient car with 30 miles to the gallon then you are using 1.6 gallons a week. That is 31.04 lbs of CO2. We'll round that down to 30lbs...


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Know Your Role

How you can help

Do your part. Most of us already know that we can make a difference but may not have a clear idea of what to actually do.

When it comes to being a responsible driver, as far as the environment is concerned, the options are limited. Sure we would give up our cars if that was an option, and some places it is, but for some of us it is not.

This site is not about giving up your car but about using it responsibly. Cutting down on your usage of your car is the first step.

Do you need to drive your trash to the dumpster at your apartments? You could walk that distance easily and get to enjoy the day and exercise

Do you have to drive to work every day of the week or do you have friends you could set up a carpool with?

Taking an active approach to avoiding using your car unnecessarily is the best approach to being an env...



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Renewable Energy

Alternative fuels

When it comes to our cars the one thing we know for sure is life would be much more difficult without them. As a society we rely on our vehicles way too much to imagine life without them.

So what happens when our fuel supplies run out? This question is just as much a part of the need to find an alternative, renewable, fuel source as is the negative impact of our current fuel on our environment.

What options are available for cars these days?
Air engine, Battery-electric, Bioalcohol / Ethanol, Dimethyl ether fuel, CNG Compressed Natural Gas, & Liquid nitrogen car to name a sample of options.

Gasoline is an extremely flammable, combustible, and dangerous fuel source but it has been used for so long now the public is comfortable with the risk.

As soon as we begin to take responsibility collect...

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